API -Solidworks Supprimer (enlever) une apparence par son nom

Je cherche à supprimer une apparence (Indice-abc) par son nom, j'ai bien trouvé ce code mais pour l'instant impossible de trouver comment lister ces apparence par le nom et d'en supprimer une.



Je viens de retrouvé ce poste réalisé avant de partir en vacance d'été personne aurait une petite idée pour la sélection d'une apparence par le nom?

Ici l'apparence "indice-ABC"  à supprimer:



Je pense avoir trouvé la solution a ton problème dans cette macro avec cette déclaration :

        Debug.Print "First appearance's file name: " & swRenderMaterial.fileName


Pour la suppression il faudrait utilisé cette méthode avec ce genre de déclaration :

    swModelDocExt.DeleteDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial (materialID1_ToDelete), (materialID2_ToDelete)

1 « J'aime »

Merci pour la piste @mandragore mais pour l'instant je n'obtient pas le nom.

Il y a quelque chose qui m"'échappe...

Je joint le code modifier et l'assemblage test au cas où l'un de vous serait plus inspiré.



Option Explicit
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swConfig As SldWorks.Configuration
Dim swModelDocExt As SldWorks.ModelDocExtension
Dim swEntity As SldWorks.Entity
Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
Dim swRenderMaterial As SldWorks.RenderMaterial
Dim displayStateNames As Variant
Dim status As Boolean
Dim modelName As String
Dim materialName As String
Dim errors As Long
Dim warnings As Long
Dim nbrDisplayStates As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim nbrMaterials As Long
Dim materialID1 As Long
Dim materialID2 As Long
Dim materialID1_ToDelete(0) As Long
Dim materialID2_ToDelete(0) As Long

Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    'modelName = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2018\samples\tutorial\dimxpert\bracket_auto_manual.sldprt"
    'Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    'Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(modelName, swDocPART, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", errors, warnings)
    Set swModelDocExt = GetRenderCustomReferences(swModel.Extension)

    ' Get active configuration and create a new display
    ' state for this configuration
    Set swConfig = swModel.GetActiveConfiguration
    'status = swConfig.CreateDisplayState("Display State 2")

    'swModel.ForceRebuild3 True

    ' Get active configuration and create another new
    ' display state for this configuration
    Set swConfig = swModel.GetActiveConfiguration
    'status = swConfig.CreateDisplayState("Display State 3")

    'swModel.ForceRebuild3 True

    ' Create appearance
    'materialName = "C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks\data\graphics\materials\metal\steel\stainless steel treadplate.p2m"
    Set swRenderMaterial = swModelDocExt.CreateRenderMaterial(materialName)

    ' Select a face and add the appearance to that face
    'status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("", "FACE", 0.07151920610502, 0.0952597996959, 0.009524999999996, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
    'Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager
    'Set swEntity = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    'status = swRenderMaterial.AddEntity(swEntity)

    ' Get the names of display states
    displayStateNames = swConfig.GetDisplayStates
    nbrDisplayStates = swConfig.GetDisplayStatesCount
    Debug.Print "This configuration's display states ="
    For i = 0 To (nbrDisplayStates - 1)
        Debug.Print "  Display state name = " & displayStateNames(i)
    Next i

    ' Add appearance to all of the display states
    status = swModelDocExt.AddDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial(swRenderMaterial, swAllDisplayState, displayStateNames, materialID1, materialID2)

    ' Get the appearance IDs and names
    swRenderMaterial.GetMaterialIds materialID1, materialID2
    Debug.Print "    Appearance IDs:"
    Debug.Print "      ID1 = " & materialID1
    Debug.Print "      ID2 = " & materialID2
    nbrMaterials = swModelDocExt.GetRenderMaterialsCount2(swAllDisplayState, Nothing)
    Debug.Print "    Number of appearances: " & nbrMaterials
    'Ajout SD
    If nbrMaterials > 0 Then
        swRenderMaterial.GetMaterialIds materialID1, materialID2
        Debug.Print "Material IDs returned by IModelDocExtension::GetMaterialIds: "
        Debug.Print "  ID1: " & materialID1
        Debug.Print "  ID2: " & materialID2
        Debug.Print "First appearance's file name: " & swRenderMaterial.fileName
        Debug.Print "No appearances applied to this model."
    End If
    'Ajout SD
    For k = 0 To (nbrMaterials - 1)
        Debug.Print "      Name of appearance " & (k + 1) & ": " & swModel.MaterialIdName & swRenderMaterial.fileName
    Next k

    Dim xcoord As Double
    Dim ycoord As Double
    Dim zcoord As Double
    swRenderMaterial.GetCenterPoint2 xcoord, ycoord, zcoord
    Debug.Print ""
    Debug.Print "Texture-based appearance data:"
    Debug.Print "X coordinate of center point: " & xcoord
    Debug.Print "Y coordinate of center point: " & ycoord
    Debug.Print "Z coordinate of center point: " & zcoord

    swRenderMaterial.GetUDirection2 xcoord, ycoord, zcoord
    Debug.Print "X coordinate of U direction: " & xcoord
    Debug.Print "Y coordinate of U direction: " & ycoord
    Debug.Print "Z coordinate of U direction: " & zcoord

    swRenderMaterial.GetVDirection2 xcoord, ycoord, zcoord
    Debug.Print "X coordinate of V direction: " & xcoord
    Debug.Print "Y coordinate of V direction: " & ycoord
    Debug.Print "Z coordinate of V direction: " & zcoord
    Debug.Print ""

    swModel.ClearSelection2 True
    swModel.ForceRebuild3 True

    Debug.Print "Model has an appearance: " & swModelDocExt.HasMaterialPropertyValues

    Dim dispStates As Variant
    status = swRenderMaterial.SetLinkedDisplayStates(swAllDisplayState, displayStateNames)
    dispStates = swRenderMaterial.GetLinkedDisplayStates

    Dim renderMaterials As Variant
    renderMaterials = swModelDocExt.GetRenderMaterials2(swAllDisplayState, Nothing)

    ' Delete the appearance from the part
    materialID1_ToDelete(0) = materialID1
    materialID2_ToDelete(0) = materialID2
    swModelDocExt.DeleteDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial (materialID1_ToDelete), (materialID2_ToDelete)
    swModel.ForceRebuild3 True

    ' Examine the display states of the active configuration
    ' to ensure that the specified appearance was deleted from all
    ' display states (click the ConfigurationManager tab and switch
    ' display states at bottom of the Configuration pane)
    ' Continue running the macro after your examination

    ' Close the part without saving changes
    modelName = swModel.GetTitle
    swApp.QuitDoc modelName

End Sub



Je viens de passé 3H dessus et j'ai rien trouvé. En tout cas j'ai découvert cette onglet et cette fonction de triage des apparences. Je laisse tombé de mon coté je suis désolé.

J'ai trouvé des solution pour les réorganisés etc mais aucune pour me donné le nom quelle porte dans l'arborescence.

En espérant que quelqu'un de plus compétant viendra a ton aide.

1 « J'aime »

Un Macro de ce type m'intéresse, mais, je n'ai malheureusement pas beaucoup de temps à lui consacrer....
Voici une piste à creuser (probablement) : sldworksapi/Get_Material_Properties_Example_VB.htm
ou ici : sldworksapi/Get_Appearance_Filename_Example_VB.htm